Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Small update after a long wait

First off let me apologize for not posting anything for so long. My workload has increased and my free time is being swallowed rather quickly. First things first 'Skully' our Leuc baby is doing really well, he's getting bigger by the day and eating like a little piggy. As he seems to have been my first major success I decided to celebrate the occasion with a tattoo:

Also in the last few weeks I have obtained four Phyllobates Terribilis Orange, these were a bargain and have been on my wish list for a long time. They were only just ready for sale when I got them and they are yet to obtain their adult colouration. I'll post a picture of them as they are now later on and then hopefully an update on how they look when they have coloured up.
As far as the eggs go we've not seen any real action from the chameleon eggs yet but I'm pleased to tell you we currently have corn snakes hatching as I type.
Here they are pipping and the first few having a look at the world and taking their first breaths:

Cute huh?

Well on to some other frog stuff, as I went into the rep room to get pictures of the snakes hatching I heard a familiar sound I've not heard in a long time.... The male Cobalt was calling from his hiding spot. I managed to get a video but their call isn't very loud at all so you may need to turn your speakers up:
We are also getting very excited about our tadpoles now as we seem *fingers tightly crossed* to be having more success than ever before. We have some Tinctorius powder blues that are due to pop their front legs any day and they are looking really strong, we're not loosing tadpoles to mouth fungus or water quality issues  now and the frogs, especially the Leuc's are still productive. We have a shelf full of tadpole tubs now and hopefully I'll have some great news soon.
Here's hoping the next update has lots of pictures of babies!!!!

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