Wednesday 17 August 2011

Trying a few things out....

So after having a look around at other peoples vivs on various forums etc. I decided to try and add a more 'natural' feel to my vivarium's at home. I feel I have always designed vivarium's, especially those for the frogs to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible. This however has led to vivs that in my opinion would look pretty good in any living room, but then, frogs don't come from you living room. I had a good look through reference shots of tropical rainforests and even had a quick walk around the local woods to see what sort of thing I've been missing. I came to the conclusion that although my vivs look good and 'clean' nature isn't clean. So with this in mind I got home and got my thinking cap on. I decided that using oak leaves as leaf litter would look a bit more natural than either bare floor or pillow moss etc. and a few broken up apple tree twigs would add to this effect. Bare in mind this is a work in progress and it will start looking better the more overgrown it becomes as again, nature has no gardener.
See what you think:

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