Monday 3 October 2011


I've finally acquired some tricolor tadpoles so that I can  hopefully learn a bit more about tadpole rearing techniques. I've not had the greatest of success with tadpoles in the past and am hopefully going to get some positive results now that I have a lot more experience. There are around 20 tadpoles from the same clutch and I have set them up in my tadpole box and I'm keeping them at a pretty steady 24°C. They are in a mix of 'tadpole tea' which is simply red bush tea and de-chlorinated tap water and have a few stalks of elodea densa (pond weed) floating about in there for cover. I'm going to feed them a mix of spirulina flakes, tetramin fish food, nutrobal and some dried bloodworm. I'll keep you all updated on their progress and fingers crossed we see some baby frogs here at The Rural Jungle.
** A quick update with a few photo's

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