Saturday 24 September 2011

Another tank goes up

I've spent the day today putting another tank together and so far it's looks really nice, I didn't take photos for a construction journal on this one but the usual methods were applied... the only big real differences are that I used polystyrene to construct the landscape and used some peat plates that I had floating about:
In other ruraljungle news it looks like the female chameleons have been bickering as now they all have nipped tails, it wont affect them in anyway but it looks nasty until the dead flesh drops off. We should be having another female delivered tomorrow who apparently is the female who was paired with Pharaoh before we adopted him. Because of the bickering/nipping she will probably live on her own.... excited!!!!.
Pippin our poor little male chinchilla that got beaten senseless by his father has made a full recovery and we are currently waiting for his hair to grow back nice and new again.
In more frog related news we can now confirm that the possible male Leucomelas that came back from Hamm to be with us has started calling and we have what now looks to be two huge plump females chasing him about.

Lastly a very nice lady called Anne dropped over to adopt our long term care Axolotl and after collecting it asked if she could bring her grand kids over for a bit of show and tell. Well the kids loved it and even sent us thank you cards!!. The card on the left shows a great picture of our Boa constrictor Titch and the card on the right shows a picture of the three female chameleons eating flies. So I would like to say thank you to Robert and Callum for their brilliant cards

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