Thursday 1 September 2011

Been a few days.....

I know it's been a couple of days since the last post but it's been a productive few days. The big tank has started to show good signs of growth already, some of the climbing plants have started putting out new shoots already and some of the moss already present has perked up. The springtails that were added are also starting to colonise the whole tank and hopefully by the time frogs go in there they will be in abundance. In chameleon related news it looks like the larger girl is not ready to lay as yesterday she was displaying a lot of blue coloration to pharaoh so he may still need time to figure it all out.
We did have a bit of a disaster as well.... Pippin our gorgeous little chinchilla, the sole survivor of our very first litter here at the rural jungle was savaged by his father when he broke through the cage separation. The poor little guy is ok but needed a staple to his head and will need painkillers for a couple more days. It doesnt seem to have affected his personality any as Kelly was back stroking his chin and tummy in no time. That coupled with a leaky ceiling all made up for a rather eventful few days around here.... Never a dull moment.

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