Wednesday 2 November 2011

Its been a while but small successes....

I know I haven't posted anything in nearly a month but it's been rather busy around here. First off I recieved 2 job offers that were both very good and I've had to take them and every aspect of them into consideration. Secondly with the downturn in weather we once again find ourselves struggling to keep some of the warmer vivariums as warm as I would like them, so we have been busy adding and upgrading some of the heating equipment to get things straight.
In frog related news things are coming on in leaps and bounds. I have recently aquired 2 tinctorius citronella babies who are growing well so far and also 8 yes thats right 8 Hyloxalus (Cryptophyllobates) azureiventris babies again all growing on nicely.
I'm also pleased to report that the tricolour tadpoles have now started to develop their back legs and will soon be froglets. I'm preparing for them by getting rearing tubs sorted.
And now onto the small successes..... So far In the last few weeks the cobalts have laid a total of 14 eggs, 5 of which could be doing something,
And at last after months of calling the leucomelas have started laying by leaving 1 lonely egg in a petri dish under a coconut hut. This egg sadly did not make it but fingers crossed they go from strength to strength.

Hopefully I'll be attending shows in the future with some of these frogs on offer =)

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