Tuesday 28 June 2011

More exciting news!!!!

Another new call from the frog tanks confirms that one of my Dendrobates auratus green and black is a boy!!!!. I'm dead chuffed with this result as I was beginning to think I had 3 girls. these frogs are native to central America and north-western parts of south america, it is also one of the most variable of all poison dart frog alongside Dendrobates tinctorius. D.Auratus is semi arboreal and spends most of its time hunting and sleeping in tree's but such a small frog cannot jump great distance so they will return to the ground to travel.
Mating occurs when a male attracts a female with his bird like call (what kind of bird I don't know, but you should hear it =), the eggs are then laid and fertilized and tadpoles emerge after approximately 14 days. The parents or more typically the male will carry tadpoles to small pools of water in the canopy usually among bromeliads and will sometimes guard their tadpoles as they develop. They can take as long as 3 months to morph into frog-lets and emerge from the water.
As with all poison dart frogs their skin is permeable and they should not be handled unless absolutely necessary. if you do need to move them, handling should be done with extreme care... I find ushering them into a clean glass and covering the top with a clean hand makes it nice and easy.

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