Thursday, 5 January 2012

The big ones moved and little ones getting bigger

I set up a very basic rearing viv for the first of the tricolors to move. I just managed to move the largest five across to it here's one of them having a good nose around:

They are eating well and hopefully they'll settle in soon enough. Also worth a mention are the Tinctorius 'cobalt' tadpoles that are now the biggest tads I've ever seen I know it sounds silly but their bodies are just a bit bigger than a baked bean and in tadpole terms that's big! They are being reared in the same mix of red bush tea as the tricolors were. A lot of people have reared Tinctorius tads individually and had great success I have gone for rearing them in groups of 5-10 in what are known in the trade as 'cadburys boxes'. Tinctorius tadpoles can be cannibalistic at times but as long as they have plenty of visual barriers and are kept well fed they should be fine. Here's a couple of them:

They have just started developing their back legs so fingers crossed we get some baby frogs real soon. 
I also recently acquired a slightly rarer morph from the Tinctorius group known as Olemarie. They should be a male female pair originally imported by the same person that the large WC cobalt's came from. You don't see Olemarie everyday and it was an opportunity I could not turn down. these frogs are shy at the moment due to the move and hopefully given time they will become as bold as the other frogs in the frog room. for now though we'll have to wait and see.

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