Monday 25 July 2011

C.R.E.A.K.S Kidderminster

Well yesterday was a bit up and down unfortunately, the day had plenty of traders with some fabulous stock and yet sadly it never really took off. The doors opened at 10:30am and at a very rough estimate I'd say we had around 200ish people through the door. Selling was slow but I did manage to sell 5 of the 6 leopard gecko's my brother had sent me with. At around 2pm the day started to dry up even more with lots of the public leaving. I think we departed at 3pm and the doors were supposed to be open till 4!!.
All in all though I had a great day as it was the first show like this I had attended, it was fascinating to see other collections and some truly unbelievable royal python morphs. Also available were just about every type of tarantula and praying mantis you could think of. Unfortunately there were no poison dart frog sellers at this show so I came home without the few frogs I had hoped to get, but I did get to meet Richie from Rain forest vivs ( To make up for the lack of frogs I did buy myself another female chameleon who has already started showing a lot of interest in Phaoroh. I think the highlight for the day was finally getting to see one of Chris Johnsons ( Aru green tree python babies, these are truly stunning animals from high white parents... I wish I could get one just to see what they are going to look like as adults in the flesh =).

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