Saturday 4 February 2012

Its finally happened!!!!!!

After years of keeping poison dart frogs I think tonight has to be the height of the whole experience. Ill start from the beginning..... The cobalt's that have been laying none stop since I got them and about 10 days ago a clutch of 10 eggs were laid. I left them in the tank and they developed nicely although 6 out of the 10 went mouldy. The remaining 4 were looking good and yesterday morning 3 out of the 4 were wriggling free of the jelly mass. To my dismay I interrupted the father as he was sat amongst them. Well 3 came out and went into the tadpole raising tank I have set up and the remaining one who did not seem to want to come out stayed put in the viv with its parents. Well tonight I came home and first thing first went to check on our remaining tad.... he wasn't there. I panicked initially and then thought.... DAD. The male frog had returned to his clutch and picked up the last tadpole and is currently carrying it around on his back looking for a suitable site to deposit it. Here are the only pictures I was brave enough to take not wanting to interrupt him:

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